Tuesday, September 6, 2011


In August I was going to lose weight by slowly cutting certain things out of my diet. Didn't work. I cheated a little here, a little there, then before I knew it I was back to bad eating habits. It's time to go big or go home.

I am starting a cleanse. For the rest of this month my diet will consist of fruits and vegetables, eggs and nuts.

I've also decided that this will be the first step in slowly becoming vegetarian. This is a personal choice that I'd like you to simply accept and support. I don't want to hear people saying, "But you NEED meat in your diet." Oh really? Do you know how many vegetarians and vegans live healthy lives without it? I know plenty. There are foods you can substitute for meat in order to get all the proper nutrients you need for a healthy diet. It's nothing against meat-eaters, it's just a choice that I'm making for myself. I won't argue with you about what you choose to eat so please don't argue with me about what I choose to not eat. Thanks.

Last night I was contemplating why I had let myself fail on my quest to lose weight again in August... I've set out... twice (?) now to do so and my plans always get derailed. I could sprout out multiple excuses but really I need to fully commit myself and make it a priority. I need to give myself a goal and then break it down into smaller goals.

I need to make myself a priority. I need to invest in myself and my happiness. I need to schedule time to practice my guitar every day. I need to start meditating again. I need to give myself a bed time, get up earlier and not miss a day of taking Sophie for a walk in the morning. I've been stressed out at work but it's because I haven't been giving myself as much of the things I need to feel refreshed.

So here we go! I'm making this official. I got some Chinese food yesterday and my fortune cookie said, "Speak less of your plans - you will get more of them done." I'm sure my wise cookie has a point, but I'm going to declare this to hold myself accountable, and I hope you'll help me be accountable too. I'm going to need help from my friends. I'm going to need you to not tempt me. I'm going to need you to respect my decisions. And I'm going to need you to cheer me on!


1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I've lost 44 lbs since April exercising and eating the right foods at the right times. I'd be happy to help if you have any questions, and although I eat meat I'm not going to be a thorn in your side and comment on your decision to not eat meat. Just be sure you are getting enough protein everyday from sources like soy.
