Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Restlessnes

Sitting in silence, surrounded by art
Contemplating lyrics, listening to my heart
Summoning inspiration, searching for a muse
Such little time to get done what I want to do

It's here. The restlessness is returning once again. Last year it hit in March... The restlessness. It creeps up on me and takes hold, drives me wild, makes me want to jump out of my skin... in a good way. I breathe in life and energy and can't sit still, can't sleep. I crave creation, making memories, doing something crazy, pushing the limits, just enjoying life and all it has to offer. The restlessness is my love, my driving force, my infectious spirit and happiness. I'm a wild child, free spirit, moving at the speed of light, changing, recreating myself, reshaping ideas, growing as if my legs were plunging into the earth, taking root, and my hair and arms were shooting out like branches, holding up the sky.

Where will the restlessness take me this year? What new things will I discover, what adventures will I have? Have you ever embraced the restlessness and let it take you for a ride? Do it. Feel your soul come to life. Free yourself to endless possibilities. Take hold of the mania and harness it, feed off of it.

Yeah, welcome back, restlessness. You make me wild and I love it.

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