Friday, May 13, 2011

Early Bird

If you had asked any of my family or close friends if I'm a morning person they would have laughed in your face. I used to set three alarms every morning and would STILL hit snooze. I've always been a night owl, staying up late and sleeping in as long as I could... until recently.

I am sooo happy with my new routine!! At least several times a week now I'm out of bed sometime during the 4:00 hour and at the gym around 5am. I go to a group fitness class for an hour and it starts my day off great!! After that I usually make a stop at the grocery store and get some fresh fruit and veggies then go home to make breakfast. Once I've eaten, Sophie and I go out for an early morning walk as the city begins to wake up. I typically go to work around 10, sometimes as late as 3 so I have plenty of time to accomplish tasks after walking the dog; doing the dishes, laundry, yard work, paying bills, preparing delicious lunches... and all before I even get to work!
Photo by Ellie Simmons

I woke up at 4:15 yesterday and was awake for just over 19 hours. I have SO much more energy when I start my day off with exercise and by the time my head hits the pillow I sleep so deep and sound. I start my day feeling more confident, healthy, and productive. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... I actually LOVE being an early bird! I get so much enjoyment from knowing that I can accomplish more before 10am than some people do all day. When I would sleep in I felt as though I was wasting so many hours and I wasn't getting done nearly all the things I had to do.

Besides changing my sleeping and exercise habits, I've also changed my eating habits a lot lately too. I have multiple friends who are vegan and I've learned a lot about alternative diet options. Now before you go and start thinking, "Oh my gosh! Karen's going vegan," hold your horses! I don't think I could stop eating delicious steaks, seafood or chicken. Yet while I haven't stopped eating it altogether, I have greatly reduced the amount of meat that I eat. I've also started drinking either soy, almond or rice milk and I use vegan butter. My diet consists of so many more fruits and vegetables than it did in the past and I eat organic when I can. I've also started recycling... "Okay, so Karen's not a vegan, she's just a hippie." ...Pretty much. :)

So when you see me at 10 am and I seem even more chipper than usual, no, it's not just the effects of caffeinated coffee, it's just pure, simple joy. I feel peaceful and energetic at the same time. I FEEL GREAT. I've only been hitting the gym regularly for a little while now, but it's safe to say I'm addicted. I'm addicted to feeling healthy and happy.

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