Monday, May 2, 2011


I'm sitting at home with nothing to do so I decided I should write something, though I really have no idea what I should write about... My last blog was so joyous and momentous, I feel as though whatever I write now will simply fall short. Granted, not all times in life are huge and life-changing.

Perhaps I should talk about the little every-day things...

I love sleeping in my giant queen-sized bed with my pint-sized pup. I love cooking, smelling the mingling aromas and hearing the bubbles in boiling water and the sizzle of veggies as they saute. I love when I walk into work and I'm greeted with lots of smiles and high fives (my team is awesome). Then, when I come home I'm greeted by an energetic dog, eager to kiss me to death. I love letting loose in the middle of the week with my friends at the Wednesday night dance party and dancing the night away. I love getting calls from friends, whether it's a deep conversation or just a bunch of silliness. I love sitting up in bed reading a good book before I fall asleep.

Life is good.

Why is it that we sometimes have to remind ourselves of this? Why does the bad stick out like a sore thumb, pushing the good to the background? Is it anxiety, fear, stress? If you're feeling down, take inventory, count your blessings. I see so many people who spread negativity like cancer. They force a dark cloud over their mind, refusing to let the sunshine break through. Why? Why torture yourself and in the process torture others?

Life is too short to not be happy, and it's too long to be miserable.

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