Sunday, July 31, 2011

Getting Back on the Bike

Nearly 3 months ago I wrote a blog titled "Early Bird." I was so excited about my new routine of waking up early, exercising, eating right, etc, etc. Honestly it didn't last longer than a month.

Life got busy as my art started receiving more attention and I began planning art shows. Next thing I knew I was being promoted at work. I had to start working a different schedule and familiarizing myself with my new responsibilities. Somewhere along the line I allowed myself to get so swept up in being busy that I let my routine fall to the wayside. I fell off the bike.

While at GCU I gained a couple pounds. The food was good, the beer was abundant and I indulged. I weighed myself the morning after I got home. 139.2 lbs. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life, and hopefully the heaviest I will ever be. Several years ago I was consistently at 117. That's 22 pounds in... probably 4 years. Roughly 5-6 pounds a year. Unacceptable.

This isn't just about numbers. I know there's no magic number that equates beauty, I'm not swept up in negative self-talk or anything, I just know that I don't feel good. I don't feel healthy anymore. The reason I was so excited when I wrote the blog "Early Bird" was because I felt good. It felt good knowing that I was being productive in the early morning. It felt good cooking food that was both delicious and good for me. It felt good having aching muscles after a great workout.

Last night I was contemplating all these things. At first I thought, "Well that was a failure!" No, saying it's a failure means I accept defeat. I immediately put that word out of my mind and instead I thought, "I need to get back into my routine." Sometimes we may falter, stumble and fall, but we simply need to get back on the bike (literally in this case)!

Instead of going out and partying last night, I went to bed before 9:30. I woke up at 6 a.m. and took Sophie out for a run, took a shower and cooked some eggs for breakfast. I am rededicating myself. Yes, life is busy, but it will always be busy and I'm not willing to sacrifice my health, happiness and peace of mind. My goal is to work out every day in August (even if it's just for 10 minutes). I will start a cleanse and change my diet. NO MORE FAST FOOD!!! And no more alcohol until I've lost 10 pounds. Even after I've gotten back down below 130 the alcohol consumption will be significantly less. It's just empty calories. Plus, whenever I drink I end up eating more (gotta soak up that booze!), not to mention how much hangovers suck. lol

I'm going to plan things out more, schedule in the important things like exercise, cooking, recycling and meditating. I need to re-balance my life. It's time I get back on the bike.

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