Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Restlessnes

Sitting in silence, surrounded by art
Contemplating lyrics, listening to my heart
Summoning inspiration, searching for a muse
Such little time to get done what I want to do

It's here. The restlessness is returning once again. Last year it hit in March... The restlessness. It creeps up on me and takes hold, drives me wild, makes me want to jump out of my skin... in a good way. I breathe in life and energy and can't sit still, can't sleep. I crave creation, making memories, doing something crazy, pushing the limits, just enjoying life and all it has to offer. The restlessness is my love, my driving force, my infectious spirit and happiness. I'm a wild child, free spirit, moving at the speed of light, changing, recreating myself, reshaping ideas, growing as if my legs were plunging into the earth, taking root, and my hair and arms were shooting out like branches, holding up the sky.

Where will the restlessness take me this year? What new things will I discover, what adventures will I have? Have you ever embraced the restlessness and let it take you for a ride? Do it. Feel your soul come to life. Free yourself to endless possibilities. Take hold of the mania and harness it, feed off of it.

Yeah, welcome back, restlessness. You make me wild and I love it.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Early Bird

If you had asked any of my family or close friends if I'm a morning person they would have laughed in your face. I used to set three alarms every morning and would STILL hit snooze. I've always been a night owl, staying up late and sleeping in as long as I could... until recently.

I am sooo happy with my new routine!! At least several times a week now I'm out of bed sometime during the 4:00 hour and at the gym around 5am. I go to a group fitness class for an hour and it starts my day off great!! After that I usually make a stop at the grocery store and get some fresh fruit and veggies then go home to make breakfast. Once I've eaten, Sophie and I go out for an early morning walk as the city begins to wake up. I typically go to work around 10, sometimes as late as 3 so I have plenty of time to accomplish tasks after walking the dog; doing the dishes, laundry, yard work, paying bills, preparing delicious lunches... and all before I even get to work!
Photo by Ellie Simmons

I woke up at 4:15 yesterday and was awake for just over 19 hours. I have SO much more energy when I start my day off with exercise and by the time my head hits the pillow I sleep so deep and sound. I start my day feeling more confident, healthy, and productive. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... I actually LOVE being an early bird! I get so much enjoyment from knowing that I can accomplish more before 10am than some people do all day. When I would sleep in I felt as though I was wasting so many hours and I wasn't getting done nearly all the things I had to do.

Besides changing my sleeping and exercise habits, I've also changed my eating habits a lot lately too. I have multiple friends who are vegan and I've learned a lot about alternative diet options. Now before you go and start thinking, "Oh my gosh! Karen's going vegan," hold your horses! I don't think I could stop eating delicious steaks, seafood or chicken. Yet while I haven't stopped eating it altogether, I have greatly reduced the amount of meat that I eat. I've also started drinking either soy, almond or rice milk and I use vegan butter. My diet consists of so many more fruits and vegetables than it did in the past and I eat organic when I can. I've also started recycling... "Okay, so Karen's not a vegan, she's just a hippie." ...Pretty much. :)

So when you see me at 10 am and I seem even more chipper than usual, no, it's not just the effects of caffeinated coffee, it's just pure, simple joy. I feel peaceful and energetic at the same time. I FEEL GREAT. I've only been hitting the gym regularly for a little while now, but it's safe to say I'm addicted. I'm addicted to feeling healthy and happy.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I'm sitting at home with nothing to do so I decided I should write something, though I really have no idea what I should write about... My last blog was so joyous and momentous, I feel as though whatever I write now will simply fall short. Granted, not all times in life are huge and life-changing.

Perhaps I should talk about the little every-day things...

I love sleeping in my giant queen-sized bed with my pint-sized pup. I love cooking, smelling the mingling aromas and hearing the bubbles in boiling water and the sizzle of veggies as they saute. I love when I walk into work and I'm greeted with lots of smiles and high fives (my team is awesome). Then, when I come home I'm greeted by an energetic dog, eager to kiss me to death. I love letting loose in the middle of the week with my friends at the Wednesday night dance party and dancing the night away. I love getting calls from friends, whether it's a deep conversation or just a bunch of silliness. I love sitting up in bed reading a good book before I fall asleep.

Life is good.

Why is it that we sometimes have to remind ourselves of this? Why does the bad stick out like a sore thumb, pushing the good to the background? Is it anxiety, fear, stress? If you're feeling down, take inventory, count your blessings. I see so many people who spread negativity like cancer. They force a dark cloud over their mind, refusing to let the sunshine break through. Why? Why torture yourself and in the process torture others?

Life is too short to not be happy, and it's too long to be miserable.