Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Age is not the determining factor on adulthood. I have known plenty of 30+ men and women who are still children. Some people grow in age and not in maturity. I think that is one of the greatest tragedies, to go through life without growing intellectually, emotionally or spiritually.

I remember being a child and hearing people say to my dad, "She's so mature for her age." Many children who experience traumatic events grow up fast, they take on adult responsibilities and gain knowledge of the world in a way their peers do not understand. Even though I was "mature for my age" I still remember thinking how odd it felt to call myself a woman instead of a girl, something I don't think I did until I was probably 22. Medically, I'd already been a "woman" for 10 years but I remember thinking of that label as something so much more. There was no giant right of passage, no ceremonial initiation into womanhood, it was a slow emotional and intellectual transformation.

I feel myself becoming more of an adult lately, especially in the later half of this year. I see myself making better decisions and learning from my mistakes (learning more and learning quicker instead of having to make the same mistake a couple times before correcting it). I think of myself less and consider others more. I accept responsibility and am not afraid to admit when I'm wrong. I think these are the things it means to be an adult.

But don't worry, I still know how to look at the world through the eyes of a child full of wonder. ;)

1 comment:

  1. In a lot of ways I know how you feel. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting a little bit of a handle on the adulthood thing instead of just being a kid playing house. Best of luck in your journey.
