Sunday, July 31, 2011

Getting Back on the Bike

Nearly 3 months ago I wrote a blog titled "Early Bird." I was so excited about my new routine of waking up early, exercising, eating right, etc, etc. Honestly it didn't last longer than a month.

Life got busy as my art started receiving more attention and I began planning art shows. Next thing I knew I was being promoted at work. I had to start working a different schedule and familiarizing myself with my new responsibilities. Somewhere along the line I allowed myself to get so swept up in being busy that I let my routine fall to the wayside. I fell off the bike.

While at GCU I gained a couple pounds. The food was good, the beer was abundant and I indulged. I weighed myself the morning after I got home. 139.2 lbs. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life, and hopefully the heaviest I will ever be. Several years ago I was consistently at 117. That's 22 pounds in... probably 4 years. Roughly 5-6 pounds a year. Unacceptable.

This isn't just about numbers. I know there's no magic number that equates beauty, I'm not swept up in negative self-talk or anything, I just know that I don't feel good. I don't feel healthy anymore. The reason I was so excited when I wrote the blog "Early Bird" was because I felt good. It felt good knowing that I was being productive in the early morning. It felt good cooking food that was both delicious and good for me. It felt good having aching muscles after a great workout.

Last night I was contemplating all these things. At first I thought, "Well that was a failure!" No, saying it's a failure means I accept defeat. I immediately put that word out of my mind and instead I thought, "I need to get back into my routine." Sometimes we may falter, stumble and fall, but we simply need to get back on the bike (literally in this case)!

Instead of going out and partying last night, I went to bed before 9:30. I woke up at 6 a.m. and took Sophie out for a run, took a shower and cooked some eggs for breakfast. I am rededicating myself. Yes, life is busy, but it will always be busy and I'm not willing to sacrifice my health, happiness and peace of mind. My goal is to work out every day in August (even if it's just for 10 minutes). I will start a cleanse and change my diet. NO MORE FAST FOOD!!! And no more alcohol until I've lost 10 pounds. Even after I've gotten back down below 130 the alcohol consumption will be significantly less. It's just empty calories. Plus, whenever I drink I end up eating more (gotta soak up that booze!), not to mention how much hangovers suck. lol

I'm going to plan things out more, schedule in the important things like exercise, cooking, recycling and meditating. I need to re-balance my life. It's time I get back on the bike.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Energetically Exhausted

Does this make sense? I'm so amped up that I'm exhausted.

Guitar Center sent me to Denver this week for training. For those of you who don't know, I was recently promoted to the position of Sales and Training Manager. About 20 STMs (and a couple Assistant Managers) from the region attended GCU (Guitar Center University). We learned a lot about various products, company goals and leadership.

What an awesome week! GCU totally inspired me. I'm more proud to work for the company than ever before. There is so much room for improvement in my store (even though my team already totally rocks!) and it's hard to know where to begin. I met so many really awesome people that help to make this company amazing and we had such a blast! I must say though, I wish I could just sleep for the next 2 days. Being at that super high energy level for 4 days has kind of taken it out of me! haha!

Tomorrow evening (though I'll be posting this after midnight so technically it'll be this evening) I'll be having my 2nd art show. I'm so excited! (and, again, yeah, exhausted.) Come see me at Three Pea Interiors on 2nd and Hydraulic from 5-9 and if you can't make it tomorrow (today) my art will be in the store all month so stop by and check it out! And let me know if you want to buy a piece! Oh, and I totally need help naming this one... any suggestions?


For some reason it makes me think of the ocean... Hmmm...

Well my friends, I need to get the heck into this bed of mine (though it's not nearly as comfy as the amazing bed at Staybridge Suites). I hope I can see some of you at my art show tomorrow! Also, I hope you all love your jobs as much as I love mine! G'nite!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Post Ladies' Night

Tonight was ladies' night. During ladies' night there are a few topics that inevitably come up, men, weight and fashion. We discuss the men in our lives (or lack there of in my case), the good, the bad, the confusing and everything in between. Someone brings up gaining weight or losing weight, someone mentions how jealous they are of someone's flat stomach (yep, I'm guilty of that one). Lastly, we compliment the outfits/accessories we like. "Where did you get those shoes? They cost HOW much? Wow! What a deal! I love that dress, that necklace, etc..."

I love the nights I have with just my girls. At least I don't have to worry about impressing some man and wondering what he thinks of me, the potential we have, blah blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaahhhhhhh... *yawn*

I wish women were more confident and secure though. I have some of the most beautiful friends and what's crazy is that not all of them realize just how drop dead gorgeous they are! I hate that women in our society have so many negative body images. Why is there so much pressure to have a super flat stomach? HOW MANY GUYS HAVE A FLAT STOMACH?! SERIOUSLY!!! Beer belly. Does it turn you off? Have you ever made out with a guy that has a beer belly? Sure. So why does it matter if you have a tiny bit of a belly too? Why do we have to be so perfect? No one is perfect. Bodies change. 

Internal beauty is eternal.

Now I digress... I hate texting. Yes, we all do it (including me), yes sometimes it's quick and easy but I don't like having entire conversations via text. You can't always appropriately convey/interpret emotion unless you hear the inflection in someone's voice or see their non-verbal communication. Seriously, talk face to face, especially when it's something important!!!!!!

Life is too short. Earlier this week a regular customer at Guitar Center had a heart attack and died. We saw him in the store ALL the time! Yeah, we all knew he had health problems, but he's actually dead. We'll never see him in the store again. That's heavy... Whatever it is that you're feeling, SAY IT! AND SAY IT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!! If you like someone, say it!!!! If you want a raise, want respect, want to escape, just say it. Be true to yourself and speak up. We have language for a reason and we have ears in order to hear. If you want your message to be known, let it be heard. Don't hide behind an impersonal text message, don't be a coward.

Speaking of which, to all the men out there: WOMEN LIKE MEN TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE! ******REMEMBER THIS******* C'mon guys, have some balls. Take the bull by the horns. Man up. *insert whatever other cliche fits here*

What has happened to us since the invention of the internet, texting and social media? We avoid face to face interaction because we're able to separate ourselves through a screen... rejection is less personal... but acceptance is often times less personal as well. Take out the middle "man." Remove the screen in between and talk, experience the human race face to face!! Don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. Yes, technology has taken us forward in a lot of ways. Yes, because of technology we can quickly communicate across the globe. All I'm saying is that sometimes we need to put down the phone, get off the internet and simply drive across town and have some face time.