Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love My Life

We all have those times when life's got us down, nothing's going right and things just plain suck.

THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES!!! :) After all, the title of this blog is LOVE my life! hehe

Life is wonderful, everything's goin great and things just plain ROCK! I've been so crazy busy lately with multiple projects and it's all so fulfilling. THIS IS A GREAT WEEK! Yesterday my new band Moulin Roulette began recording our EP (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), tomorrow I will find out how my career is going to advance (I'll keep you posted so stay tuned), Thursday will be my first art show and Saturday I'm singing for a friend's wedding. :)

So let's talk about the music first. WOW! I started Moulin Roulette with Sam Smith, Josh Turner and Jarrod Tiede just about... 2 months ago? We have 4 really solid songs and several others in the works. We'll probably have our 4 track EP ready to sell by the time we have our first gig this summer! I was so amazed when we were recording yesterday. I mean, yeah, we definitely hit some speed bumps and had to work out some bugs and we were all sweating in that basement studio and were tired by the end, but I was blown away when I heard my songs coming to life!!! MY SONGS!!! I'm no longer singing words written by somebody else, melodies created in some stranger's head, these are MY babies!! And I've had these talented musicians help me bring them to life. They've claimed these songs as their own too. The guys have taken the stories and imagery that I created with my lyrics and melodies and given them backbone, body and breath. And when I sing.... Mmmmm! It's all heart, baby!! GOD! IT FEEL SSOOOO GOOD!!! I can't wait for all of you to hear it!

Art. Why haven't I done this sooner? I just started painting in December. And I'm good. I mean, I'm no professional, but I'm good enough for people to want to buy my art and ask me to do a showing. What's more is that I LOVE IT!! I love just sitting down and letting my instincts take over, my hands move between paint and brush and my subconscious spills out onto the paper. It's such a freeing feeling. Granted, there are times when my art is premeditated but it's so therapeutic to just let out whatever it is that's under the surface, waiting to make its self known. It's beautiful. I'm so excited for my show on Thursday! Come to Hutch's Sleep Shoppe on Main St this Thursday the 16th, 5-9pm to see my work!

There are so many reasons for me to love my life. These are two big ones right now and I know I'll have more to report soon. I have been blessed with a life surrounded by beauty, amazing friends, and the freedom to explore my talents and passions. I am truly happy. Thank you God for the life you have given me. And thank you to those who are a part of my life, who add to and share in my happiness. I love my life. :)

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