Sunday, April 3, 2011

Men and Dogs: Part 2

Just over 2 months ago I wrote a blog "Men and Dogs" stating that I don't need a man, just a cuddle puppy to be my companion. Coincidentally, just a couple days after posting that I was asked out on a date by a friend. Then a month later I got my dog Sophie. I spent some time seeing that guy and recently decided we're simply destined for friendship. Which is great, he's a really nice guy and fun to be around and we've got lots of mutual friends. And as I mentioned in that previous post I don't need a man, it's just nice to have someone sometimes.

And now my someone is Sophie. One of my friends had commented on "Men and Dogs" saying that dogs aren't always all they're cracked up to be. Basically, his point was that dogs, while great, are no substitute for a romantic relationship. I understand his point, but the point I was trying to make is, yeah, I'd love to find a great relationship some day, but I'm in no hurry and, for now, my little dog will suffice. (Not to mention all the wonderful friends I've been blessed with.)

I really love this little dog. :) She is such a wonderful companion. Yes, there are times when she has a bit more energy than I'm in the mood for and she's super alert, making sure I'm aware of any potential dangers, even if it's in the middle of the night, but for each tiny annoyance she may cause me she more than makes up for it. I love that she's always excited to see me and shower me with kisses. I love that she cuddles up behind my legs when it's time for bed. She's so friendly to everyone she meets and she's oh so precious. She doesn't shed or slobber and she listens pretty well (for the most part).

Out for a drive with the windows down (right before she kissed me)

Today Sophie and I are taking full advantage of the beautiful weather. It's so warm and windy and all the trees on my street are in full blossom. As soon as I walk out my front door I'm greeted with the sweet scent of the white flowers on the tree in my front yard. I bet Sophie loves the smell too. This morning we went for a drive with the windows down then went for a walk around the neighborhood. Soon we'll be going to my friend Sonja's house so Sophie can meet her poodle Jordi and we might go to my sister's tonight too where Sophie will meet Lilly the boxer.

So for now it's just me and Miss Sophie. True, cuddling with her isn't the same as being held by a man but I'm content with things as they are.

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