Monday, March 14, 2011

Change of Mind

This is what I'm looking at. :) My dog is so adorable.

Sophie always looks at me so expectantly when she wants to play
I'm looking at this when I should probably be looking at the back of my eyelids (which is what Sophie decided to do shortly after I took this picture). Tomorrow's going to be busy. Therapy in the morning, followed by a session with a personal trainer, followed by a jam session with Sam, followed by an oil change, washing dishes, doing laundry, paying bills, taking Sophie for a walk, planting my herb garden and getting out my spring wardrobe... assuming I have time for all of that! Hahaha!

Man, time flies! There's always so much to do and never enough time. I suppose that's just life. We never have as much time as we'd like; We're born, grow up, learn some stuff, do some things, love, laugh, cry, and before we know it, it's over. All we can do is try and fit in enough time for the things that are most important to us.

I love this journey I've been on. I would say that my life is pretty phenomenal. True, I haven't always thought so, it's hard to stay positive during those times when life shakes your world and throws you around. It's the true test of character though when you can still appreciate those times. I'm learning so much about myself and discovering who I am one chapter at a time and it's fun to see it all unfold. "Hello there Karen! I can't believe I've known you my whole life and am still learning new things about you!" (Random thought: Brrrr. My feet are cold.)

It's also fascinating to see how much I've grown and changed. There was a time when I was insecure. There was a time when I lost myself. There was a time when I was immature, close-minded, super conservative and naive. All of these times served their purpose and all of these times have built my past. And there will undoubtedly come a time in the future when I look back and again say, "My! How I've changed!" The greatest tragedy is stagnation, so I'm working to build my present and my future.

The human mind is such a fascinating thing. It is far more powerful than most give it credit for. To change your mind is to change your world. Think about that, you can't deny it's validity. Athletes often talk about visualization. I heard an interview with Nastia Liukin shortly after she became the 2008 Olympic individual all-around champion. The interviewer asked her if she had been nervous the day she won. She responded by saying that she hadn't been nervous at all because in her mind she had already performed her routine perfectly and dreamt she had already won. She didn't have to worry about perfection because she'd already seen herself achieve it.

How have I changed my world by changing my mind? Ever since I was little I came to the conclusion that there are 2 types of people in this world, victims and survivors, and I was determined to always be a survivor. I refuse to be a victim of circumstance, become defeated and give up. Sure, there are times when I've been weakened, but I've always managed to pull myself up. (Often with the help of wonderful, loving friends and family.)

We all possess the power we need, some simply choose not to use that power. Want to loose weight? You don't need some fad diet. I lost a little extra junk in the trunk just by eating healthier, eating smaller proportions, planning out my meals and runnin around with the cute pup above. Want to be more successful at work? Try harder. Get rid of the defeated, negative attitude you've been carrying around and smile. Simply smile. It'll make others smile back and you'll be amazed by the difference such a tiny thing can make.

Love, positivity, happiness, it all comes from within and it's the best gift you can give yourself. So why hold back? Open your mind, turn your mind to what you want and really focus. Pay attention to your thoughts and get rid of all the negative, the anger, the sadness. Just choose not to focus on those things. It's a choice. I hope that you'll take what I've said to heart and to mind. Change your mind and change your world.

I love knowing myself. I am happy-go-lucky, I am passionate and caring, and I am full of peace and joy. Practice being who you want to be, next thing you know it'll be habit.

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